
Account Registration


  • As a home library, select the library to which you want to register.
  • Please, enter you billing address. Any other contact address, you can add later.

By filling this form, you submit your application to the selected library. To use all library services, you must visit the library and complete the registration.

★ indicates Required Field

Please enter a First Name
Please enter a Middle Name
Please enter a Last Name
Please enter a Street Address
Please enter a Street Address (2)
Please enter a City
Please enter a Zip Code
(Example: 123 45)
Please enter a Date of Birth
(Example: 2000-01-30)
Please enter a Phone Number
(Example: +420111222333)
Please enter a Email Address
Please enter a Requested Username
By submiting the registration form, you express your consent to use your personal data in the selected library in accordance with the valid Library Rules.

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